Solar for schools: Get your funding now!
Does your school want to reduce its energy bills while doing its bit for the environment? Do you want to inspire your pupils on a daily basis and encourage them to look after the world around them? If you’ve answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, you need solar panel generated electricity!
While solar PV offers a huge range of benefits to schools and pupils alike, one of the major barriers preventing uptake is budget. However, with funding, you needn’t worry about the costs of solar panel energy – you can just enjoy the benefits.
At Low Carbon Energy, we know just how important uptake of solar energy is in today’s schools – and we’re not the only ones. That’s exactly why the Energy Efficiency Financing (EEF) scheme was introduced – making it easier for schools to get access to solar panel installations.
The initiative was set up to help schools and academies invest in renewable technology and it’s one that Low Carbon Energy has jumped on board with. Their unique funding mechanism, the Operating Solution, is now available for schools and institutions that choose to work with Low Carbon Energy.
What does the funding mean for you?
The funding allows your school to maximise its cash flow during the term of the funding and meets the ‘non-debt’ finance requirements of local authorities and the Education Funding Agency. In fact, right from the start you’ll be able to benefit from the Feed-in-Tarrif and Renewable Heat Incentive – just as you would if you were funding the solar installation yourself!
This unique funding opportunity isn’t available with just any renewable energy firm. The EEF has teamed up specifically with Low Carbon Energy to offer this to schools that choose to work with us – a schools approved supplier.
You only have to browse our case studies and newsletters to see how much we’ve saved our previous clients. What’s more, we’ve also won two huge awards this year – Green Business of the Year 2015 and Small Business of the Year 2015.
To find out more about funding, or to start talking about renewable energy for your school, get in touch today. You can call us on 08456 808963 or email Ged, our director, on Ged@lowcarbonenergy.co
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