At the low carbon energy company our CSR statement is at the heart of our business and as such we have established a charitable fund #inspiringchangetoday. We will share a proportion of our profits with local projects that are looking to assist young people in improving the communities around them. Education delivers change and we will contribute locally to specific projects, schools or individuals who are tying to make a difference
1. Statement
1.1 the low carbon energy company recognises that its activities and services have a significant impact on the wider social, environmental and economic well-being in the UK. By addressing these impacts we can also improve the quality and performance of our core organisational processes and responsibilities.
1.2 By embracing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) we will actively look for opportunities to improve our environment and contribute to the well-being of the communities in which we operate.
1.3 For the purposes of this policy, CSR is defined as the integration of social and environmental concerns into the business of the low carbon energy company and the low carbon energy company interactions with its stakeholders.
1.4 the low carbon energy company is committed to establishing a CSR system which is guided by the following principles:
- Shared responsibility – CSR involves everyone in our organisation, which means sharing the responsibilities of ownership as well as its rewards.
- Openness and accountability – We will communicate our CSR policies, objectives and performance openly and honestly to our people, partners and other stakeholders. We will also seek their views and encourage them to communicate with us.
- Continuous improvement – We are committed to measuring and improving our CSR performance. We will develop and implement specific environmental and social policies and procedures, monitor our performance, set targets for improvement and report our progress.
- Demonstrate compliance – As a minimum we will meet or exceed all relevant legislation. Where no legislation exists we will seek to develop and implement our own appropriate standards.
1.5 Policies and programmes will be developed in the following thematic areas of CSR, which reflect the nature of our day to day business activities and wider involvement with society:
- Environment – To recognise the need to deliver services in an environmentally sustainable way and to include concern for the environment in all our activities.
- Relationships – To deliver our vision through developing strong relationships with our partners, other external organisations and individuals, which are conducted with integrity and courtesy, and by ensuring that we honour our commitments.
- Communities – To build relationships with our service users, and the local communities which we serve, and to support local social businesses who share our aims. To encourage our people, and those acting on our behalf, to consider the needs of others in our day to day business.Our vehicle for the delivery of this will be our charitable fund #inspiringchangetoday and we will promote the need for change to a more sustainable community.
- People – To respect our staff and encourage their development and training. To promote and maintain equality and to have constant regard to the happiness of our people as a whole, including their welfare, health and safety, empowerment and communication. To encourage and promote team-working and the sharing of skills and knowledge, whilst recognising outstanding individual contribution and rewarding our people fairly.
2. Organisation
2.1 The Managing Director of the low carbon energy company will have ultimate responsibility for CSR management within the Company and will be responsible for the provision of advice and guidance on all CSR matters.
3. Arrangements
3.1 This policy will be clearly communicated to staff and subject to review on an annual basis where we will agree a focus for our CSR activities.

strategy be a priority?