1 in 3 UK businesses are now generating their own power. Are you?
It’s no secret that public support for the solar energy industry has never been higher. Happily, British businesses are continuing to demonstrate their commitment to green initiatives as well. According to a new report, one in three businesses are now generating their own on-site power commercial solar power. This week, our experts take a closer look at which sectors are leading the charge, and how they’re benefitting from it!
The recent survey was carried out by none other than the Economist, who examined the energy strategies of businesses from across a wide range of industries, including manufacturing, transport, hospitality and retail. They found that businesses in the retail sector were most likely to be using commercial solar power, with almost 40% of those surveyed regularly generating their own energy on site. The hospitality sector wasn’t far behind. It make sense when you think about it, as companies in both sectors both use large premises that are often spread across a wide area, which can easily accommodate commercial solar panels on rooftops or top floors.
It’s probably no surprise, then, that solar power emerged as the most popular renewable method by far for businesses to produce their energy, with more than six in ten making use of it. Wind power was found to be another popular method, but its application was more limited as businesses would need to have access to open areas where wind would not be blocked by other nearby buildings or structures. Right from the outset, that makes wind power far more limited in heavily urban centres and cities, where solar power might not suffer the same setbacks.
Why are so many businesses using commercial solar?
You don’t need to look far to find out the many advantages of solar power, but as far as businesses are concerned, commitment to an eco-friendly future is becoming a more and more pressing issue on many agendas. Environmental concerns are making the headlines more often than ever, and increasingly, larger British businesses are looking to follow the examples already set by international brands like Lego, which hit its 100% renewable energy target in June of last year. Around 40% of the surveyed businesses mentioned an increased sense of environmental responsibility and reducing their own carbon footprint.
Another motivating factor is likely to be the UK’s own energy prices, which include amongst some of the highest electricity prices in Europe. Amongst the businesses surveyed, almost 50% of them cited cost savings as one of the leading reasons for generating their own energy. Meanwhile, on the whole, the cost of renewable energy has dropped steadily in the last few years, with solar panels and smart energy solutions becoming gradually even more affordable with every passing year.
So if your businesses isn’t already benefitting, why not? Here at Low Carbon Energy, we’ve got decades of accumulated experience in helping businesses make the most of what the renewable energy sector has to offer, encompassing cost savings, energy security and flexibility, and a significantly reduced carbon footprint – and that’s just the start! And best of all, it doesn’t have to cost the earth. Feel free to contact us on 08456 808 963, and we’ll be happy to tell you more about how we can help your business.
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