3 key benefits to getting solar panels in Spring
Solar panels have a whole range of advantages for your business – we’ve gone into them in extensive detail on our solar panels for business page. The spring season can be a particularly opportune time to install solar panels, though, especially if you want to be in a position where you’re getting maximum benefit for them in summer. Here are some of the main benefits!
1. More flexibility for finalising the most time-consuming aspects
We’ve been installing solar panels for years here at Low Carbon Energy, ranging across a number of sectors, from schools and education, aerospace and public sectors – just to name a few! All that experience under our belts has taught us that it takes a fair amount of time to plan and install a high-performing solar panel solution. Many of our customers find that the paperwork and similar written formalities can take a notably long time (and for good reason). There’s the matter of confirming any rebates, connecting you to the appropriate retailer and setting you up with any policies or grants (including our own 5K grant for small businesses) which you might be able to benefit from. This can take a number of weeks, so it’s nice to get it sorted out as early as possible, putting you in a great position to get maximum benefit during summer.
2. Beat the summer competition for solar panels
Typically, summer is the busiest time of the year for PV installations. That means it’s wise to act quickly in order to pin down the slot that best suits your schedule. We’ve got a great team, but they can only be in so many places at once! Depending on your business, you might find that installation times can cause a reasonable level of disruption (although obviously, we try to minimise that as much as we can!). Getting an installation time that works for you – rather than one you have to adjust to – can work wonders for minimising this disruption further.
3. Capitalise on springtime sunshine
Although we all look forward to summer for its warmth and sunshine, it’s worth remembering that solar panels only need one of those elements to start saving you money on your energy bills. Since they convert brightness into sunshine, rather than warmth, you don’t need to wait for the mercury to rise, just for the winter clouds to clear until you can start benefitting. And the sun starts to shine brighter a lot sooner than May!
Most of these benefits stem from one simple truth, which is that the sooner your get solar panels, the sooner your business can start benefitting from them. Here at Low Carbon Energy, we’re proud to have over twenty years of experience behind us in providing PV solutions for businesses and homeowners alike. We also offer a number of ways to pay – give us a call today on 08456 808 963, and we’ll be happy to tell you more about how we can help!
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