Cleaning house: The progress of UK clean energy initiatives
Clean, renewable energy is big business in the UK, and it’s only getting bigger. Here’s a look at some of the most influential UK green energy projects from this year…
A switch from coal to biomass
Biomass power has become more and more popular during 2016. One of the most exciting projects, however, is that at Lynemouth Power Station, which is switching from a coal-powered plant to a biomass powered one. The conversion is currently underway and will be completed in 2017 – seeing 420 MW of electricity generated from burning wood pellets.
A solution in wind power in Scotland
During 2016, there have been a number of wind energy projects being built in Scotland. Kilgallioch Windfarm is home to one of the newest wind farms, consisting of 96 turbines providing up to 239 MW of energy.
It’s not just Scotland seeing new wind farms either; E.ON is currently constructing a 400.2 MW capacity wind farm in the English Channel. Furthermore, the UK is now generating more than a quarter of its electricity from renewables like wind power.
A revolutionary step in battery storage
We all know about the power of battery storage and how it can help enhance solar PV at home. But what would you think about large-scale battery power to power 6,000 homes?
A two-year trial of the largest grid-scale battery in Britain has finally come to an end. The project has proved the battery can store enough electricity to power 6,000 homes for 1.5 hours at peak times. The project, developed and run by UK Power Networks, is the first of its kind and challenges the main issues solar power is facing. The outcome means that grid-scale energy storage could be commercially viable as battery costs continue to fall and revenue streams become accessible.
Leading companies putting the environment first
A number of major companies across the UK have begun adopting or enhancing their clean energy efforts. Proctor and Gamble is just one of these, with its manufacturing facilities across the UK hitting their 2020 sustainability target early. Their target has seen energy efficiency improve by 5% in the last 12 months and a reduction in energy consumption of over 7% between 2016 and 2015. Greenhouse gases have also gone down by a similar amount.
New services from Low Carbon Energy
2016 has also been an exciting year for Low Carbon Energy. Alongside our already established and successful renewable energy services, like Solar PV, Battery Storage and LED, we’ve introduced a few more.
Our Electric Vehicle Charging is the newest service to hit the scene, which sees us installing EV Box charging points everywhere and anywhere. Our new Consultancy services have also proved to be a big hit – helping households and businesses do their bit for the environment while making savings too.
If you’re interested in switching to solar power next year, why not take a look at all the different Ways to Pay? You’ll be surprised just how affordable our services are!
What are your favourite renewable energy success stories of 2016? Join the conversation on Twitter @LowCarbonEnCo
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