Low Carbon Energy Enter New Partnership With Burnley FC In The Community
A unique partnership formed between two Burnley Bondholders means there is now a one-stop shop for local businesses who want to become more socially responsible.
Low Carbon Energy Company, based on Neptune St, Burnley, have signed up as a Friend Of Burnley FC in the Community and will work with the Clarets official charity, and their Principal Partner Utility Alliance, to offer renewable energy into local businesses as part of their CSR agenda whilst also providing a kick-back to the charity to further expand their community work.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is becoming increasingly important for businesses of all sizes, as the impact of your business activities on employees, the local community and the environment is no longer a secondary concern. Companies who really embrace their CSR agenda have been proven to increase profitability through having a more motivated and engaged workforce, better community links and by saving money on utility overheads.
Burnley FC in the Community, nominated for their excellence in CSR at both the Football Business Awards and the BIBA’s, have secured a ‘Friend’ to provide the missing jigsaw piece in their CSR Offer.
‘We offer renewable energy solutions including solar and other smart energy solutions to businesses with a view to lowering their energy bills and also reducing the negative impact of non-renewables on the environment’ commented Ged Ennis, MD at Low Carbon Energy Company.
‘We are a fully accredited Carbon Trust partner, meaning we can access some grant funding towards the cost of renewables and we can also arrange 100% finance, meaning businesses don’t have to invest heavily up front in order to reduce their carbon footprint’.
Low Carbon Energy Company have also become the very first business to sign up to the Utility Alliance Partner Channel, which will enable Ged and the team to offer excellent rates on gas, water and electricity to their customers alongside renewable energy solutions through Burnley FC in the Communities Principal Partner, Utility Alliance.
‘Some energy consultants are a little fearful of renewable energy as they see it’s reducing electricity bills and ultimately their commissions. At Utility Alliance, we see renewables as a big part of reducing a customer’s spend on energy, which is ultimately our aim.
By joining the Partner Channel Low Carbon Energy Company will have access to unbelievable energy rates that will complement their offer, meaning they can offer a complete solution- it is a total win win!’ Commented Vicki Boynton, National Partnership Manager at Utility Alliance.
‘We at Burnley FC in the Community are proud to offer a complete CSR solution for businesses. Over the past year everyone we have spoken to have said they want to become more socially responsible, but not every business has the resource or knowledge to make this happen.
We have brokered some real positive relationships, partnering with VEKA plc to offer excellent Employee Engagement opportunities in community settings for our Friends Of businesses and also partnering with Utility Alliance who, as well as providing major investment for our community work, offer businesses a way to reduce energy costs.
Low Carbon Energy Company are an ideal addition to this mix, providing a way for businesses to reduce their carbon footprint’ added Ryan Bradley, Business Development Executive, Burnley FC in the Community.
In addition to an initial £1000 donation, Low Carbon Energy Company will donate 5% cash to Burnley FC in the Community for every business that takes up the offer of installing solar at their business to further develop their award winning community provision. Visit the website to find out more https://lowcarbonenergy.co/
Businesses can find out more about how Corporate Social Responsibility can impact your business and how it works practically on a day to day basis at Burnley Business Week, with Burnley FC in the Community hosting a specific workshop on Tuesday 10th October, 9-12 at Turf Moor – email rgifford@burnley.gov.uk
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