Renewable energy capacity overtakes coal
Renewable energy is a lasting power source that’s set to say. In its latest report, the International Energy Agency (IEA) revealed just how popular renewables have become. Statistics in the report showed that renewable energy capacity is now greater than coal – with the trend set to continue.
Renewable energy: Changing the globe
The IEA’s report looked at various types of renewable energy being used across the world in 2015. The standout stats included:
- Half a million solar panels installed every day
- Two wind turbines set up every hour in China
- Renewables accounting for more than half the increase in power capacity.
About the rise of renewable energy, IEA’s Executive Director Fatih Birol said:
“We are witnessing a transformation of global power markets led by renewables”.
One of the reasons more people and more businesses are investing in renewables is because of its affordability. Five years ago, onshore wind and solar panels would have been unrealistic for many. In today’s world, however, renewable energy is more affordable – plus there are a whole host of fantastic initiatives too. Furthermore, the IEA expects the trend of declining costs to continue and solar and wind to account for three quarters of future growth in renewables.
Why don’t you get involved?
Although progress has been slow, more and more people are now moving towards renewable energy. We’re making an effort to tackle climate change and reduce our emissions of greenhouse gases and carbon dioxide. However, we’ve got to continue following the renewables path if we want to make an impact.
One of the best things about renewable energy is that it’s accessible to all. Anyone can make a difference. With renewables like Solar PV widely available and other low carbon technologies like LED Lighting, Infrared Heating and Battery Storage, it’s easy to get involved.
Our Solar PV packages are our most in-demand. We offer solutions for homeowners, businesses, the public sector and more – so we can guarantee the perfect solution for you. Your new solar solution can also be enhanced with added extras like our Battery Storage – which essentially give you ‘free’ electricity at night.
We understand that making the move to renewable energy can be challenging at times. You’re venturing into the unknown and not always certain what benefits you’ll get. That’s why we offer lots of advice as well as an Energy Consultancy. Ideal for business, schools and farms, we’ll help you get the best out of renewables while helping you make steps to improve energy efficiency. Of course, we’ll make sure that all our measures save you money too and throw in a free one-hour consultation to kick things off. To find out more, fill in the form on our Energy Consultancy page.
Want to see the difference renewables could make to your business? Visit our Case Studies page to see how renewables can decrease your energy bills and help the environment.
Have you invested in renewable energy yet? If so, share your story with us @LowCarbonEnCo
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