We’ve been featured in Forbes’ Reinvention & Resilience Report 2021!
It’s now been about than 18 months since the first Covid-19 lockdown hit the UK, and by now you don’t need us to explain in any depth about the kind of impact it’s had, both at the time and over the year and a half that’s passed since. It required almost every single person in the country to make significant and sweeping changes to their personal lives, and businesses had to shift dramatically too. That included us here at Low Carbon Energy, and though it hasn’t been easy, we’ve happily been able to adapt to ‘the new normal’. So successfully, in fact, that we’ve now been recognised by Forbes Solicitors for our achievements, and featured in its newly-released Reinvention & Resilience Top 50 2021 Report.
What is the Forbes Reinvention & Resilience Top 50 2021 Report?
Researched and collated by Forbes Solicitors in Lancashire, this report highlights a total of 50 SMEs across a variety of sectors, each highlighted for their achievements in generating revenue and protecting jobs, or their ability to ‘reinvent any aspect of their business, service, product or sector within the last 12 months’.
Each feature gives a brief introduction to the business in question, and many contain interviews with key people in the organisation. For us, it’s our Managing Director Ged Ennis, who gives a brief bit of insight into our business, and how the landscape has shifted in the past year and a half.
This is the second Reinvention & Resilience Top 50 Report from Forbes, who only launched their inaugural one last year. That report was released in November 2020, right in the midst of the second UK lockdown, when businesses across the country were still – in Forbes’ words – ‘in the eye of the storm’. Things are very different today, several months away from the end of the third (and hopefully final) national lockdown. Now, many the organisations highlighted in the report are onto the next phase of their plans, and looking ahead further to the future – including us here at Low Carbon Energy.
What will we be talking about in the report?
As you might expect, we’ll be giving you a bit of insight into what’s been going on at our headquarters here at Low Carbon, but we’ll also be discussing some of the trends we’re seeing in the wider industry. The solar industry has hit its fair share of stumbling blocks over the last five years or so, partially due to constantly shifting government support. But the UK remains a world leader in renewable energy (just this year, we were ranked sixth in the world for wind and solar generation), and now the market is picking up the pace, spurred by a growing environmental appreciation and awareness that’s been sparked by the national lockdowns.
We talked at the time about the kind of impact it had on all of us, both collectively as a nation and individually as people. While the lockdowns were understandably unpopular in many quarters, there’s no doubt that it gave the nation more time to slow down and reflect. There were reports of people enjoying cleaner air and connecting more deeply with nature, and business owners became more determined to ‘build back better’. Right now, our experts at Low Carbon Energy are seeing the results of that determination, as more organisations than ever look to us to help them realise their energy ambitions.
And if you’d like some examples of some of the businesses we’ve already helped, don’t hesitate to take a quick look at our case studies, which details our projects across a range of key sectors. You can find out more information about our installations for companies like Opus Energy or Computacenter, or take a look through our blog to find out more about our multi-million pound contract to deliver solar PV for clothing giant Boohoo, as we’ve mentioned it in our feature.
Here at Low Carbon, our experts have over 30 years of combined experience behind us in helping you save on business costs, and profit from having cleaner energy. To find out how we can help you, feel free to give us a call today on 01282 421 489!
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