3 Great Benefits That On-Site Generation Can Offer Your Business
On-site power generation might not be something you’ve ever considered for your business – but if not, now’s a great time to start! In today’s energy climate, it can offer you more benefits than ever, especially since it shares many of the strengths of solar panel systems.
Amongst the advantages that on-site power generation can give you are:
- Energy security
- Better flexibility
- Increased corporate social responsibility
So then…want to find out how?
Energy Security
Energy security is a phrase which can be used in a couple of contexts. One of them is to do with physical disruption; main power grids can sometimes be subject to occasional faults caused by adverse weather, such as storms or blizzards. Though thankfully we see relatively few of these in the UK, even a temporary loss of power can cost huge amounts of money in terms of lost productivity. Thankfully, unless the weather conditions are extremely localised, on-site power generation can protect you against potential losses of power.
The second context is perhaps even more relevant to many businesses – energy prices are known to fluctuate according to market conditions, which can result in varying costs for your business. However, producing your own energy via on-site generation gives you greater protection against these price changes, so that you can count on your energy bills to remain stable and affordable all year round.
Efficiency And Flexibility
One of the chief attractions of on-site generation has always been – and always will be – that you are in control. Your power production model becomes more responsive, as you can adjust your power production to suit your own needs. This makes on-site generation far more efficient, and allows you to scale up or scale down your business with far more flexibility. After an initial investment, can also eventually result in lower operating costs for your business. Obviously, depending on the nature of your company, the exact magnitude of the savings will vary – but it’s still worth thinking about, all the same!
Increased Corporate Social Responsibility
Partially due to its increased efficiency, on-site power generation is already more environmentally friendly than many other forms of power. This efficiency means that less fuel is generally used, reducing the waste by-products produced and helping less energy go a lot further. What’s more, the power sources involved are far also greener – for example, wind turbines or solar PV panels. As you can imagine, we’re particularly well versed on the latter here at Low Carbon Energy!
Demonstrating a proactive approach to dealing with your carbon footprint is a great way of showing your corporate social responsibility to the world at large. As well as doing good for the environment, corporate social responsibility can also offer huge advantages in terms of boosting the public perception of your business. (Another page on our site explains full details about the advantages of corporate social responsibility.)
Hopefully, this post gives you a better picture of how on-site power generation can benefit your business – but this is just the start! If you’re thinking about on-site power generation for your business, our experts here at Low Carbon Energy will be only too happy to answer any outstanding questions you might have. You can give us a call on 08456 808 963, or fire off your queries using the form on our Contact Us page.
Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter: @LowCarbonEnCo
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