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Maximise your savings and boost csr for retail premises

Retail and wholesale solar panels
According to research by the Office of National Statistics, the retail sector is the UK’s fifth-highest fossil fuel-consuming industry, surpassing even the construction sector. Solar panels offer an effective and reliable solution for retail businesses to reduce their emissions and achieve significant cost savings.
At Low Carbon, we specialise in helping retail businesses transform their energy supply. With decades of experience, we offer bespoke solar panel installations tailored to your specific requirements and energy profile.
Large commercial spaces, such as shopping centres, often have extensive roof areas that are ideal for solar panel installations. This setup can provide substantial benefits for businesses within these centres, leading to significant savings for brick-and-mortar stores.
To learn more, call us on 01282 421 489 in the UK or 00 353 913 981 80 in Ireland. Alternatively, fill in our contact form, and we will get back to you.
Why use solar panels for your retail business?
Cost savings are undoubtably one of the most powerful reasons to invest in solar power solutions.
Generating your own energy on-site can go a long way to reducing your reliance on the National Grid, and thus your overall energy costs. (Research from the Carbon Trust found that a 20% cut in energy costs for retailers can ultimately represent the same bottom-line benefit as a 5% increase in sales.)
Solar panels can also help you achieve a reduced carbon footprint and meet your sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility objectives, which can help to attract new customers from an increasingly environmentally-conscious public.
Why invest in solar PV?
Enjoy a levelised cost of electricity (potentially as as low as £0.03/kWh) for your energy
Significantly reduce your energy usage and spend
Returns of up to (and in excess of) 20%
100% asset finance available
Meet your CSR objectives
Secured electricity for 25 years
Low maintenance
Minimal disruption to your business
Retails case studies
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Customers who have taken control of their
energy with Low Carbon Energy
Powering your present. Preserving your future.
Call us on 01282 421 489

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